In 2013 Verde Grama awoke consciously, materializing and leading to an architectural project that is combined with nature.

The collective well-being led us to establish the foundations of all design, with this we understood the need for the incorporation of nature in our projects and the balance that we can achieve with it.

Verde Grama is an integral organization, we develop desires from beginning to end, under a vision that pursues perfection and moves under responsible architecture; comprising four categories of services: Architecture Projects, Detail Engineering, Interior Design and Landscaping.

We are infinitely passionate about our work and live each step of the way together with our clients at each location. We activate our senses and we manage to connect and create synergy with our team.




“… My vision of architecture has evolved every day, it went from being an integral process of design to a magnificent experience, where I discovered the potential that the human being has to create, to materialize an idea; and so on as a team, convert spaces into sanctuaries where all the senses are awakening … “.



“… Throughout time, I understood that being an architect goes beyond the concrete fact of transforming an idea into something that can be touched or seen—turning it into reality, it’s wonderful. Knowing that I can transform someone’s life for the better, nourishes me and makes me feel better every day…

I love what I do”


For more than five years, Convertion DH7 has been a great ally for Verde Grama. This team is responsible for managing, building and putting into operation our works in the area of ​​engineering, achieving part of the integrity in our projects.

Alkymia is one of our international allies from Tulum, Mexico. We stay connected through the conscious design community they are forming. This brand develops architecture and interior design projects, in addition to promoting the local brands of furniture and accessories that Verde Grama supplies in Venezuela; thus blending the soul of some of our projects with their pieces.